Thursday 25 February 2010


What's the issue with smoking...some people like to do it others don't, why should everyone have to do and like the same things...that would make to world an extremely boring place to live. Let's face it if we didn't have issues like "bad behaviour"; in this case how bad it is to smoke, to talk about then we just wouldn't have much to say. Everybody has their own opinion, which they're fully entitled to...isn't that known as freedom of speech.

I've smoked...did it for a while...because I could...didn't really like it, but for those who do...I'm all for it. What people choose to do to the bodies and fill their bodies with is up to them at the end of the day. If they want to end up with tar filled lungs and an aroma of smoke to go with it...why isn't that okay?
However, the one thing I do have an issue with is people who put their smoking on to other people. For example, I don't want to go into a resturant and have to sit next to someone puffing away on a cigerette, so I; like a large percent of people, was glad when it became against the law to smoke in public places...e.g. resturants. I choose not to I don't want to second hand smoke.

Additionally, I think it's 'bad behaviour' to smoke while pregnant. It's unhealthy for your child and at that point your child can't decide whether it wants to have smoke or not. People may decide to smoke the whole way through pregnancy, and at the end of the day that's the persons choice...but what about the babies choice? Would you do drugs all the way through pregnancy?

Overall, do I think smoking's bad? No not in a sense, aslong as it doesn't affect anyone else that chooses not to smoke. Just don't push you're 'bad' habbits on to others...but a ban on smoking all together...I think that's a bit extreme.

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