Sunday 25 April 2010

drug use....they're not jelly babies.!!

In today’s modern society, there is a medicine to treat almost everything; from simple painkillers to the stronger stuff.
Nobody has to suffer with pain anymore, they just pop down to the nearest pharmacy and pick something up and bingo…everything’s alright again.

Even though there are rules, regulations and licenses in place, you’d be surprised how that doesn’t even faze people. I work in a Pharmacy so I have seen first hand how people think they are all doctors and think they know better. The licenses are there to prevent people taking the wrong substance and doing themselves some serious harm, but again that doesn’t bother people, they want what they want and they will do whatever it takes to get it; that may be going somewhere else, lying or sending someone else to purchase it.

They have put stronger regulations on children’s medicine now, because more tests have proven that by taking a medicine for every sniffle or pain it is not doing the children’s immune systems any good, because they’re bodies are relying on the medicine to help when it’s sick it cannot fight the infection off itself. In addition, some parents were relying on the use of substances such as cough and cold mixtures to knock their kids out, and make them sleep better…in other words…ABUSE.

Nowadays it is just a simple answer to pop medication, like jelly babies, and we wonder how drug abuse got so easy and why is has become so rife within our communities.

Extreme drug use can lead to abuse, but not just things like cocaine, heroin and cannabis, but things that are over the counter drugs e.g. Strong painkiller and sleeping tablets.

Abuse is defined in the dictionary as to ‘use wrongly or improperly…’ so any kind of drug can be abused if it is not used in the correct way. Therefore, is it bad behaviour to misuse drugs…maybe not, as it may not the fault of the person, that they have become addicted? However, drug use is illegal and therefore is bad behaviour…I for one don’t agree with drug use, it’s completely wrong but drug addicts are just people too…ones who have made wrong choices…so don’t they need help and support?

On the other hand, drug dealing in my eyes is completely unacceptable…and extreme bad behaviour. It enables people to become addicts and not get help, knowing it is completely wrong…thus causing damage to others and not being bothered about it. These kind of drugs, reduce awareness of ones surroundings, make individuals act out of character and damage health in serious ways, so knowing this and still selling them is down right unacceptable.

Below is a link to, where all drugs and help are detailed.

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