Monday 3 May 2010

junk food...are you going to supersize???

Junk food advertisements are everywhere, no wonder obesity is on the rise. They make it look so easy…had a hard day…can’t be bother to cook, just pop down and get a burger; no washing up after necessary.

They have got you by the balls “so to speak” it tastes so good, but it is so bad for your body. You know what they say moment on the lips…lifetime on the hips. Nowadays, there is so much pressure on people to look good, to eat healthy and to treat our bodies like temples. This means that there is no room for junk food, sweets and fizzy pop.

However, isn’t it all about knowing your limits, I mean a burger here and there is not such a bad thing. One burger is not going to cause obesity, and they are trying to make fast food healthier….but lets face it who wants to eat a salad when you can have a burger?

“The UK, like many other western countries, is facing an obesity time bomb. An estimated one in four men and one in five women are obese.
The number of obese children has doubled over the past 20 years. One in 10 six-year-olds and one in six 15-year-olds are now obese”.

So maybe eating junk food, isn’t bad behaviour as such, it’s when it becomes an addiction. Every once in a while we should be able to let our hair down right? And go and eat something really bad for us…you only live once…!

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