Sunday 2 May 2010 is this teaching our kids?

Discrimination can take many forms. Issues such as an individual’s race, sexual orientation, age, abilities, intellect and gender can be used as discrimination; in the work place, in schools, on the street…even in the home.

“Until the mid-nineties, the government's British Crime Survey only asked ethnic minority groups whether they had been the victim of a crime which was racially motivated. Since then, all victims are asked and the picture has changed dramatically.
The most recent analysis shows that in 2004, 87,000 people from black or minority ethnic communities (BME) said they had been a victim of a racially motivated crime. In the same period, 92,000 white people said they had also fallen victim.”

It has been around for so long, that it is everywhere. It needs to stop…what are we teaching our kids? Kids they don’t care what colour their play mates skin is, what sex they are and I’m sure if they weren’t told that being gay is wrong… they wouldn’t care about that either. Why can’t people be accepted for who and what they are? Can’t we just accept that not everyone’s the same…and make a better world for our kids? Surely there is enough wrong in this world that being petty and discriminatory against others just makes things worse…unnecessarily.

Who cares what colour skin people are…that doesn’t change the kind of person they are…they may become a best friend if some idiots can get past the skin colour. Some people are so ignorant that they act out in a discriminatory way.

I think that it has something to do with fear…maybe? Fear of something different, someone who doesn’t fit in with the ‘norm’. Well people need to grow up and stop being so pathetic and just get along, show the kids that everyone is equal, because kids only learn it from all of us…shouldn’t we at least pass on some good issues?


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