Tuesday 4 May 2010

Response to Keeleigh walker's post about animal cruelty

Oh my god… I completely and utterly agree. Animal cruelty is disgusting. It’s a disgrace that someone can feel good about beating up a defence-less little animal. It’s awful! I have a little jack Russell called Millie, and she is my world…I could not even imagine hurting her, and if anyone ever laid a finger on her they would severely regret it! We rescued her, because somebody had abandoned her and moved away…how could someone do that…heatless or what? There are so many places you can take pets that you can’t look after anymore, isn’t that better? Or maybe they’re frightened of being judged…who cares…abandoning pets is just wrong. FULL STOP!

I mean we all heard about that little girl whose dog had its head smashed in by some youths. What’s that about, did it make them feel good?
And at work, a customer told me, she rescued her dog, because somebody nailed it to some wood by its paws and kicked it until all its ribs were broken. WHAT THE HELL!

These people must have something fundamentally wrong with them in order to do that. It’s awful and needs to be stopped NOW!

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