Wednesday 28 April 2010

tattoos...body art or Graffiti?

Personally I haven’t got any tattoos, but it’s not because I don’t agree with them, I think it is based on the fact that I’m a HUGE wimp. I’m afraid that it will hurt like hell; people said it doesn’t but hey…they could just be being nice! Another reason I suppose is that, once you have the tattoo inked on to your body there is definitely no going back…it’s forever, and I’m very indecisive so I suppose I can’t choose what I would want on my body forever…!

I don’t think that all over body tattoos look attractive, but each to their own I guess. People find their own style, and they should be allowed to choose what they ink on to their body.

“Thirty-six percent of those ages 18 to 25, and 40 percent of those ages 26 to 40, have at least one tattoo, according to a fall 2006 survey by the Pew Research Centre.”

Nowadays there are ways to remove a tattoo, if for some reason you don’t like it or it’s gone out of fashion. However, they are never really gone; there will always be a mark…and it looks a little like a scar. I know someone who had a tattoo when she was very young and severely regretted it; it was a tattoo of her old boyfriend’s initials…but now she is left with small scars where the tattoos were. So I suppose it’s a case of risk, risking that you will like the ‘art’ for the rest of the time you have to wear it on your body.

Isn’t it really a case of free will; people have the right to choose what they want to wear so doesn’t that mean that they can choose what they want to wear on their skin? As long as you can cover it up if it’s offensive; when at work or in a professional situation…why not?

Maybe I’ll even find a tattoo that I like and have the guts to go get one…maybe one day, who knows!

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