Wednesday 5 May 2010

response to karrie-ann's abortion blog...

I agree that 24 weeks is seriously pushing it when it comes to abortion, I completely understand that there are extenuating circumstances, but if you don’t notice that you’ve put on weight or the sickness or the stopped periods…the there must be something not right. At 24 weeks the foetus is formed enough to look like a small child…isn’t that wrong. But it is the person’s choice, at the end of the day that individual has to carry that child for 9 months, go through an agonising labour…isn’t that considered to be a choice. Okay if you have been irresponsible and just blatantly not used any kind of contraception…then that’s just plain idiotic. However, most women take so many precautions to avoid pregnancy however, some how it does happen to them…then what…? I know that sex has it’s consequences and that no sex would avoid it altogether…but who’s doing that…sex is a natural thing that happens…but a bad home for a baby, how is that good. I know that religiously it’s bad…but we’re not living in eighteen hundreds anymore…medical advances have been made…whether it’s wrong or right it should be that person’s choice not a debate. Free will…? We need to put it to rest and let people make their own choice…it’s all about the situation in my opinion.

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