Thursday 6 May 2010

My final response before the deadline...reflection.

Well...i cannot beleive that the first year is almost over. It's been a roller-coaster of stress...but worth it i guess. My first year of a psychology degree...nearly done, only two more to go. I choose being bad orignally because of the coursework based assessments...i'm not an exam orientated kind of person. The module has been informative, i have learnt about bad behaviour and not so much bad behaviour. I think some ideas of bad behaviour is a bit behind the times...but some ideas of bad behaviour are right under our noses everyday and many of us part take in them..i.e shopping; a major women's past-time.

I think the assessments were interesting...not the same as any other modules i done. I'm not much of a creative writer...but once i got going...i just wanted to keep on writing. Also the blog assignment was quite interesting, it gave us all a chance to see other students thoughts on certain bad behaviours, as well as a chance to research in to a lot of different topic areas.

response to steph's blog about shopping...
I completely agree! Shopping is so bad. I am the same, I could easily spend my months wages in five minutes, whilst clothes shopping. I would love to just be able to go out and blow loads of money on clothes…or at least have the money to go out just to spend it on clothes; sadly this is not possible, I have rent and bills to pay, before my wardrobe gets a revamp. But it can be a serious problem for some people…they can run up so much debt, they cannot get out and it can ruin families and relationships, if it gets really bad. Credit card companies use this to their advantage and give you money now…but you really haven’t got it…what’s called living outside ones means. So they are the bad ones….very bad behaviour…using a women’s love to shop against them….BAD! Not us…well as long as it doesn’t become an addition!

Wednesday 5 May 2010

response to karrie-ann's abortion blog...

I agree that 24 weeks is seriously pushing it when it comes to abortion, I completely understand that there are extenuating circumstances, but if you don’t notice that you’ve put on weight or the sickness or the stopped periods…the there must be something not right. At 24 weeks the foetus is formed enough to look like a small child…isn’t that wrong. But it is the person’s choice, at the end of the day that individual has to carry that child for 9 months, go through an agonising labour…isn’t that considered to be a choice. Okay if you have been irresponsible and just blatantly not used any kind of contraception…then that’s just plain idiotic. However, most women take so many precautions to avoid pregnancy however, some how it does happen to them…then what…? I know that sex has it’s consequences and that no sex would avoid it altogether…but who’s doing that…sex is a natural thing that happens…but a bad home for a baby, how is that good. I know that religiously it’s bad…but we’re not living in eighteen hundreds anymore…medical advances have been made…whether it’s wrong or right it should be that person’s choice not a debate. Free will…? We need to put it to rest and let people make their own choice…it’s all about the situation in my opinion.


What’s happened to people, they have become so obsessed with things they cannot have or cannot afford? I thought we were meant to be in a recession…you know, without any money. So how is it that there are more gambling posters and adverts around now, more than ever? Aren’t people meant to be saving money not being encouraged to waste it? There’s Bingo, Slot games, Card games…everything…and people get so caught up in the hype, and they can end up loosing everything they have. It can ruin families, relationships and careers…it can take over a person’s life.
Apparently the gambling industry has become so overrun, it’s grown ten fold since 1975. The average rate of divorce is almost doubled for individuals who suffer with a gambling problem.And one in five suicide attempts is from a pathological gambler.
There should not be a way to gamble from you own home, so okay you go out with some friends and go to a casino once in a while…no big deal, but these online companies are causing addiction… pay £10 we’ll double whatever you win…oh yeah that’s right for the first go, then they’ve got you hook line a sinker and you’ve spent £100 or more…
This is bad behaviour on the part of the companies…they should not be able to manipulate individuals, especially in times like this…RECESSION! Bad very bad…we should not live outside of our means…bad very bad.

Tuesday 4 May 2010

response to karrie-ann's littering post...

I completely agree, most places you go there are many rubbish bins about…maybe not enough but still there’s always one within a few yards to where you are…or just put it into your pocket and save it till you see a bin?
I know I’ve littered before because it’s easier than finding a bin, but it’s wrong and it shouldn’t be done, it destroys the environment…we produce so much waste everyday…it’s terrible our kids are going to be swimming in rubbish and waste…awful…very very bad!

Response to Keeleigh walker's post about animal cruelty

Oh my god… I completely and utterly agree. Animal cruelty is disgusting. It’s a disgrace that someone can feel good about beating up a defence-less little animal. It’s awful! I have a little jack Russell called Millie, and she is my world…I could not even imagine hurting her, and if anyone ever laid a finger on her they would severely regret it! We rescued her, because somebody had abandoned her and moved away…how could someone do that…heatless or what? There are so many places you can take pets that you can’t look after anymore, isn’t that better? Or maybe they’re frightened of being judged…who cares…abandoning pets is just wrong. FULL STOP!

I mean we all heard about that little girl whose dog had its head smashed in by some youths. What’s that about, did it make them feel good?
And at work, a customer told me, she rescued her dog, because somebody nailed it to some wood by its paws and kicked it until all its ribs were broken. WHAT THE HELL!

These people must have something fundamentally wrong with them in order to do that. It’s awful and needs to be stopped NOW!

zero size...just as bad as obesity

In contrast to my last post about junk food, another bad behaviour is being to skinny…size zero.
Everyone says that being obese is un-healthy, what about being to skinny? That causes health problems as well…bad ones.
Figures show an 80% rise in the number of young girls admitted to hospital with anorexia in England over the last decade.
This is not a good statistic, if models are allowed to become size zeros and it’s made out that unless you’re skinny you can’t be a model or look good, it doesn’t project a very good image. Society has become so over run with the idea that you have to be slim, it causes women everywhere to hate the way they look…this is not true….no matter how big or small you are…everyone is beautiful and should be respected the way they are.
“If you look back to the 1940s and 50s the average dress size was a 12-14.
Now, in 2010, the ideal shapes of our screen icons have changed in a very worrying way towards size 8 and 00s of Victoria Beckham, Kate Moss, Paris Hilton, Madonna and Cheryl Cole.
However, living happily in our own body can be a challenge. For many women it is a constant source of dissatisfaction and distress.” BBC NEWS.
Celebrities may be fuelling the fact that young women are going to extremes to be thin…why can’t we have normal sized models…wouldn’t that be a better role model for kids? Nowadays if you are a size 10-14 model…you are plus size….WHAT THE HELL??

This is extreme bad behaviour…making women feel bad for being a normal size, there should be some kind of law…the fashion industry has gone mad!

Monday 3 May 2010

junk food...are you going to supersize???

Junk food advertisements are everywhere, no wonder obesity is on the rise. They make it look so easy…had a hard day…can’t be bother to cook, just pop down and get a burger; no washing up after necessary.

They have got you by the balls “so to speak” it tastes so good, but it is so bad for your body. You know what they say moment on the lips…lifetime on the hips. Nowadays, there is so much pressure on people to look good, to eat healthy and to treat our bodies like temples. This means that there is no room for junk food, sweets and fizzy pop.

However, isn’t it all about knowing your limits, I mean a burger here and there is not such a bad thing. One burger is not going to cause obesity, and they are trying to make fast food healthier….but lets face it who wants to eat a salad when you can have a burger?

“The UK, like many other western countries, is facing an obesity time bomb. An estimated one in four men and one in five women are obese.
The number of obese children has doubled over the past 20 years. One in 10 six-year-olds and one in six 15-year-olds are now obese”.

So maybe eating junk food, isn’t bad behaviour as such, it’s when it becomes an addiction. Every once in a while we should be able to let our hair down right? And go and eat something really bad for us…you only live once…!

In response to david Jones' Gossip post...
I completely agree gossip is like a handgun. It’s done for fun, and hurts like hell. I do however, think sometimes people don’t think before they gossip, and maybe it’s not done out of malice, just ignorance. And you’re completely right, women/girls do it as a past time…I suppose it’s easy at the time. However, when/if you get caught…you feel like a right cow, and yes sometimes you cannot even recognise yourself at all; for what you’ve done or said. And again if the role is reversed and if the gossip topic is you… it’s like a kick in the teeth…hurtful, embarrassing and upsetting. It’s really ‘bad behaviour’ and it shouldn’t happen…but let’s face it, is it going to stop?

Sunday 2 May 2010 is this teaching our kids?

Discrimination can take many forms. Issues such as an individual’s race, sexual orientation, age, abilities, intellect and gender can be used as discrimination; in the work place, in schools, on the street…even in the home.

“Until the mid-nineties, the government's British Crime Survey only asked ethnic minority groups whether they had been the victim of a crime which was racially motivated. Since then, all victims are asked and the picture has changed dramatically.
The most recent analysis shows that in 2004, 87,000 people from black or minority ethnic communities (BME) said they had been a victim of a racially motivated crime. In the same period, 92,000 white people said they had also fallen victim.”

It has been around for so long, that it is everywhere. It needs to stop…what are we teaching our kids? Kids they don’t care what colour their play mates skin is, what sex they are and I’m sure if they weren’t told that being gay is wrong… they wouldn’t care about that either. Why can’t people be accepted for who and what they are? Can’t we just accept that not everyone’s the same…and make a better world for our kids? Surely there is enough wrong in this world that being petty and discriminatory against others just makes things worse…unnecessarily.

Who cares what colour skin people are…that doesn’t change the kind of person they are…they may become a best friend if some idiots can get past the skin colour. Some people are so ignorant that they act out in a discriminatory way.

I think that it has something to do with fear…maybe? Fear of something different, someone who doesn’t fit in with the ‘norm’. Well people need to grow up and stop being so pathetic and just get along, show the kids that everyone is equal, because kids only learn it from all of us…shouldn’t we at least pass on some good issues?


In response to Anna Jennings post on bad manners

I completely agree...some "bad manners" are not as bad as people make out; like elbows on the table, not such a big deal.But things like pushing in a queue however, really makes me mad.! If people are all standing in a line, we're not just doing it for fun.!Or say if you ram your trolley into somebodies ankles in the supermarket, whether it's an accident or apology is compulsory.I do agree that some bad manners are unintentional, however, everybody should know what is acceptable and what isn't, and if they have done something wrong then they should be able to say sorry. But yes bad manners are subjective and some people may beleive that it is acceptable not to say please or thankyou etc. so how can we judge others on manners?

Saturday 1 May 2010

Violence...or self defence??

I believe that we should have the right to defend ourselves if in danger. Violence out right is just wrong, people should be able to control their temper and respect others. Fighting just causes pain and even serious injury, that most of the time is not necessarily needed. It can cause extreme repercussions; a bruise or a broken bone may heal but the psychological factors could linger for longer periods of time and affect individual’s lives and others around them, like family and friends.

A case that comes to mind is the case of Tony Martin. He lived in a farmhouse and became so terrorised by burglars, who continually broke into his farmhouse, that he was afraid to leave his home and moved all his furniture to the attic and that is where he lived. The final time he was burgled he was so afraid, he shot the intruder and was prosecuted and sent to prison for this action. Please can somebody tell me where the justice for this is? If the guy hadn’t broken in, he would be alive. There have been cases in law where intruders have broken in to someone’s house, fallen down stairs and sued the home owners and won the case! What is wrong with society today…How is that alright?

If someone is breaking into your property, you should have the right to defend it, without being prosecuted for your actions…it’s YOUR property!!!!

Personally I think it is bad behaviour from the law to assume that people are not going to protect their home; which they’ve worked hard to make…and their FAMILY…of course people are and they should not be penalised if they do so. The law is teaching people it’s ok if you break in to somebody’s house…hey if you trip over or get hurt…you could get more money out of them.
The law has gone mad…people are so obsessed with human rights it ignores right and wrong…and I don’t think it’s going to change anytime soon.

So violence… yes it’s wrong. HOWEVER, when in self defence…whether on the street, or in your home I completely agree! Kick some ass!

Friday 30 April 2010

Swearing...todays new lingo?

As children we’re told not swear…that it’s bad and that we’ll have our mouths washed out with soap if we do it again. Well at least I was! But was that just back then…or is it to do with the fact that we try to protect children’s innocence?

To be honest, nowadays it’s become like a second language, than something frowned upon. You can’t go anywhere really without being bombarded with swearing and swearing slang. Even with clothing labels, celebrities and companies take advantage of the fact that swearing has become second nature and less of a cliché.

But in my mind it depends on the context, depends on who you’re with or what you’re discussing. I mean if I was with my 3 year old niece, at work or with grandparents I wouldn’t even dream of mentioning a swear word. It’s just not done. Why I’m not sure…it’s just not, it’s still deemed bad behaviour in those sorts of context.
It has been hypothesized that swearing can reduce the physical feeling of pain. Richard Stephens (Scientist) said:
"We think it could be part of the flight or fight response. In the volunteers who swore, we also found they had an elevated heart rate, so it could be increasing their aggression levels. Increased aggression has been shown to reduce people's sensitivity to pain, so it could be swearing is helping this process."
So maybe now it’s not about the fact that it’s ‘bad behavior’ to swear but it’s becoming apart of everyday life…just in the right context. Who knows how it will be in 20years…?

Thursday 29 April 2010

Infedelity & cheating...a hurt and heartache causer=definately!

Okay…so people are allowed to make mistakes. If you find yourself in the situation where something’s not right in your relationship, it should end there, or work on the problems. The answer shouldn’t be going and getting into bed with someone else. It causes hurt and heartache and can affect people in such a bad way.

People can slip up, being drunk and stupid but again, isn’t that just wrong…the individual shouldn’t get so drunk in order to forget their partner. It’s so sad to think that people think it is acceptable to just cheat on their partner; it should be about love when you’re with someone, not about who else you can be with.

Again, with marriage cheating in my opinion is an extreme no…no! Marriage is about death till us part, not till things get hard, or I find someone else…you’ll do. It’s about love, commitment and sacrifice. It can tear families apart…trust me I’ve been there. It’s horrible to think that that is considered an option to get out of a relationship by some people.

The report, published by the Office for National Statistics, shows the number of divorces decreasing 5% in 2008 to 121,779, from 128,232 in 2007. (

From research it shows that divorce rates are starting to fall…does this mean that people are getting along better? I would say that most people would agree that cheating is extremely bad behaviour…and I think that it is definitely the case. Truthfulness and honesty is definitely the best policy when it comes to cheating. If you are unhappy with a relationship don’t leave it be, either do something about it, or say something to the other person. And if you have found someone else…at least have the decency to tell the other person in the relationship before it gets to late…it may cause pain at first but it would be better in the long run.

Wednesday 28 April 2010

tattoos...body art or Graffiti?

Personally I haven’t got any tattoos, but it’s not because I don’t agree with them, I think it is based on the fact that I’m a HUGE wimp. I’m afraid that it will hurt like hell; people said it doesn’t but hey…they could just be being nice! Another reason I suppose is that, once you have the tattoo inked on to your body there is definitely no going back…it’s forever, and I’m very indecisive so I suppose I can’t choose what I would want on my body forever…!

I don’t think that all over body tattoos look attractive, but each to their own I guess. People find their own style, and they should be allowed to choose what they ink on to their body.

“Thirty-six percent of those ages 18 to 25, and 40 percent of those ages 26 to 40, have at least one tattoo, according to a fall 2006 survey by the Pew Research Centre.”

Nowadays there are ways to remove a tattoo, if for some reason you don’t like it or it’s gone out of fashion. However, they are never really gone; there will always be a mark…and it looks a little like a scar. I know someone who had a tattoo when she was very young and severely regretted it; it was a tattoo of her old boyfriend’s initials…but now she is left with small scars where the tattoos were. So I suppose it’s a case of risk, risking that you will like the ‘art’ for the rest of the time you have to wear it on your body.

Isn’t it really a case of free will; people have the right to choose what they want to wear so doesn’t that mean that they can choose what they want to wear on their skin? As long as you can cover it up if it’s offensive; when at work or in a professional situation…why not?

Maybe I’ll even find a tattoo that I like and have the guts to go get one…maybe one day, who knows!

Tuesday 27 April 2010

bullying...definately wrong!

Bullying is ALWAYS wrong…it is definite bad behaviour. No matter what form of bullying that is carried out; whether that be teasing, physical or emotional abuse, being racist or excluding someone on purpose.

Bullying can cause extreme unhappiness for individuals; can cause health problems and lack of confidence and can cause children to become isolated and alone.

The NSPCC compiled statistics in 2007 surrounding bullying. They found that 31% of children experienced bullying by their peers during childhood, a further 7% were discriminated against and 14% were made to feel different or 'like an outsider'. 43% experienced at least one of these things during childhood.(Cawson, P. et al. (2000) Child maltreatment in the United Kingdom: a study of the prevalence of child abuse and neglect. London: NSPCC. p.26.)

Additionally, it was found that a quarter of children bullied by their peers reported that they suffered long term harmful effects lasting into adulthood.(Cawson, P. et al. (2000) Child maltreatment in the United Kingdom: a study of the prevalence of child abuse and neglect. London: NSPCC. p.30)

It has been shown that being bullied as a child can have strong affects in later adulthood, and loss of confidence and restricted peer relationships.

Bully’s need to be helped, most of the time there is an underlying issue to why children decide to bully others, and this needs to be tackled in order to stop bullying all together.

I believe that you should treat others how you expect to be treated, and no other way. If you would not like to be treated the way you are treating another individual, it must be wrong and you shouldn’t do it. FULL STOP.

Monday 26 April 2010

drinking...what's your tipple??

In today’s society, drinking has become a part of everyday life. ‘Get home, have a glass of wine…’ However, can it be deemed ‘bad behaviour’? It is bad for your health, so in that aspects it is bad behaviour because by drinking we are abusing our bodies and our immune systems. It has shown that extreme drinking can shrink brain size and cause damage to your liver and other major organs in the body and that 33,000 people die in the UK from an alcohol related incidents, which is more than that of people who die in traffic accidents.

In previous years the media has bombarded us with issues about drinking, celebrities make it look cool to drink and in films it looks like so much fun to go out ad get drunk with friends. It has been shown that 1 in 10 kids at the age of 10years have already tried alcohol.

“Contrary to what many people believe, alcohol is not a stimulant. It is a depressant. This is why drinking too much often leads to impaired judgement, slurring of the speech, a tendency to violent behaviour and loss of short-term memory.”

For men the recommended weekly allowance is 21 units and for women it is 14 units. However, many people do not follow this, and there are so many issues with drinking that damage your health. Short term issues include anxiety, nausea, vomiting, STIs from lack of judgement and many more. Long term issues include stomach ulcers, dementia, heart disease, cancer, infertility and many more.

Personally, I am not a big drinker, I will have the occasional drink when I go out with some friends, and I think that is ok. It only becomes a problem if it everyday, large quantities or if it becomes an addiction and controls ones life.

Excess drinking doesn’t just affect the individual who is drinking, it can affect families and tear them apart, it can affect individual’s work life, even resulting in loss of jobs and can cause issues like car accidents while drunk driving.

So I don’t really think that drinking is bad behaviour anymore, as long as it doesn’t affect anyone else and it is not in excessive amounts.

Sunday 25 April 2010

drug use....they're not jelly babies.!!

In today’s modern society, there is a medicine to treat almost everything; from simple painkillers to the stronger stuff.
Nobody has to suffer with pain anymore, they just pop down to the nearest pharmacy and pick something up and bingo…everything’s alright again.

Even though there are rules, regulations and licenses in place, you’d be surprised how that doesn’t even faze people. I work in a Pharmacy so I have seen first hand how people think they are all doctors and think they know better. The licenses are there to prevent people taking the wrong substance and doing themselves some serious harm, but again that doesn’t bother people, they want what they want and they will do whatever it takes to get it; that may be going somewhere else, lying or sending someone else to purchase it.

They have put stronger regulations on children’s medicine now, because more tests have proven that by taking a medicine for every sniffle or pain it is not doing the children’s immune systems any good, because they’re bodies are relying on the medicine to help when it’s sick it cannot fight the infection off itself. In addition, some parents were relying on the use of substances such as cough and cold mixtures to knock their kids out, and make them sleep better…in other words…ABUSE.

Nowadays it is just a simple answer to pop medication, like jelly babies, and we wonder how drug abuse got so easy and why is has become so rife within our communities.

Extreme drug use can lead to abuse, but not just things like cocaine, heroin and cannabis, but things that are over the counter drugs e.g. Strong painkiller and sleeping tablets.

Abuse is defined in the dictionary as to ‘use wrongly or improperly…’ so any kind of drug can be abused if it is not used in the correct way. Therefore, is it bad behaviour to misuse drugs…maybe not, as it may not the fault of the person, that they have become addicted? However, drug use is illegal and therefore is bad behaviour…I for one don’t agree with drug use, it’s completely wrong but drug addicts are just people too…ones who have made wrong choices…so don’t they need help and support?

On the other hand, drug dealing in my eyes is completely unacceptable…and extreme bad behaviour. It enables people to become addicts and not get help, knowing it is completely wrong…thus causing damage to others and not being bothered about it. These kind of drugs, reduce awareness of ones surroundings, make individuals act out of character and damage health in serious ways, so knowing this and still selling them is down right unacceptable.

Below is a link to, where all drugs and help are detailed.

Thursday 4 March 2010


I believe that prostitution is a wrong way to earn a living. There is some much ‘bad behaviour’ attached to prostitution; drug addiction, control, sexually transmitted disease and abuse. In most countries it is deemed illegal to be a prostitute, and it is thought that it may be a victim-less crime as at the point of prostitution it is thought that no one is unwilling. However, in some cases it may be a forced way of living, or seen to be the only option in which case it would be a crime at its up most; known as ‘trafficking’.

It is defined as offering ones body and sexual services in order to gain financially. It is estimated that around 80,000 individuals are involved in prostitution in the UK alone and that the Poppy project found at least 1500 places offering sex in London. This is an extreme amount, and is obviously a problem. This should not have to be an answer to earning a living, even in today’s current climate. It isn’t not a good idea to trust complete strangers with ones sexual behaviours, you can never know where that person has been or who they have slept with. This is a complete risk to an individuals health and therefore, isn’t it morally wrong, not only to the client but to the ‘prostitute’ as well?$366674.htm
Additionally, is it worth it? If you are found to be ‘kerb crawling’ for a prostitute then you could face a fine, if you do sleep with a prostitute you could contract any amount of sexual diseases or even worse be threatened by a controlling pimp. Not worth the hassle in my opinion. And as for being a prostitute it is a complete disrespect of ones body, if you don’t respect you’re body…nobody will and there is such a stigma attached to it…you end up being labelled as something disgraceful…is that worth it?

Wednesday 3 March 2010


Shoplifting is not only morally wrong, it’s against the law. Retailers are hit by shoplifting nearly every week…causing a huge amount of shrinkage. This is the reduction of a retailer’s profit margin by the loss of products between the points of its manufacture to the point of sale; a large percentage of this is caused by shoplifting.
The National survey of retail crime and security found that the total shrinkage was near 24.1% of retail profit. Some of which is due to administrative error, and it was found that smaller retailers had higher shrinkage rates compared to large companies.

Being caught shoplifting can have serious consequences. The individual will be charged under the Theft Act 1986, and the punishment will depend on the severity of the offence and whether or the individual had a previous for shoplifting. If the individual is a first time offender the general punishment is a fixed penalty of £50-£80; if this is then not paid there will be a court summons for non-payment.

I think it’s deemed ‘bad behaviour’ to shoplift; it’s living out side of ones means. If you can’t afford it, shoplifting should not be the answer. Doing it for fun is completely wrong and the individual deserves to be caught and punished.

Thursday 25 February 2010


What's the issue with smoking...some people like to do it others don't, why should everyone have to do and like the same things...that would make to world an extremely boring place to live. Let's face it if we didn't have issues like "bad behaviour"; in this case how bad it is to smoke, to talk about then we just wouldn't have much to say. Everybody has their own opinion, which they're fully entitled to...isn't that known as freedom of speech.

I've smoked...did it for a while...because I could...didn't really like it, but for those who do...I'm all for it. What people choose to do to the bodies and fill their bodies with is up to them at the end of the day. If they want to end up with tar filled lungs and an aroma of smoke to go with it...why isn't that okay?
However, the one thing I do have an issue with is people who put their smoking on to other people. For example, I don't want to go into a resturant and have to sit next to someone puffing away on a cigerette, so I; like a large percent of people, was glad when it became against the law to smoke in public places...e.g. resturants. I choose not to I don't want to second hand smoke.

Additionally, I think it's 'bad behaviour' to smoke while pregnant. It's unhealthy for your child and at that point your child can't decide whether it wants to have smoke or not. People may decide to smoke the whole way through pregnancy, and at the end of the day that's the persons choice...but what about the babies choice? Would you do drugs all the way through pregnancy?

Overall, do I think smoking's bad? No not in a sense, aslong as it doesn't affect anyone else that chooses not to smoke. Just don't push you're 'bad' habbits on to others...but a ban on smoking all together...I think that's a bit extreme.

Thursday 11 February 2010

where shall we go for week 12?

Well we're studying 'Being bad' so i reckon a trip to Amsterdam would be quite fitting for the module field trip. It's the centre of sex, drugs and drinking...a cluster of all things deemed 'bad'. We'd be able to soak up all the bad culture in the day...maybe not in the is quite a long way to go....hmmmm maybe we could go for the weekend..yes! I'm not really sure of anywhere else that really comes close....ermmm london? i know that idea was floating would be easier to get to i suppose...hmm?